Methods of Support

Cash Gifts
Gifts in the form of cash, check or credit card (Visa, American Express or MasterCard) are the most popular form of giving.
Matching Gifts
If you or your spouse are affiliated with one of the 600 matching gift companies in the U.S., your firm may match the value of your annual gift to the Cowboy Joe Club. We encourage donors who have this matching gift program available to take advantage as it may double or even triple your annual contribution. The total amount received will be applied to your benefits, priority seating, priority parking and priority points. All matching gifts are added to a scholarship endowment at the UW Foundation, so this match is eligible to almost all companies.
UW Faculty-Staff Match
All Cowboy Joe Club annual gifts that are donated by a current UW Faculty or Staff member will be matched 100% by the Wyoming Athletic Department. Any gift of $100 or more is eligible for the match. The total gift (including the match) will count towards membership benefits, priority seating, priority parking and priority points. Only two benefits are unavailable to faculty and staff who take advantage of the match program - travel with the team and premium parking in AA, D, Stadium Preferred and Tailgate Alley.
Automatic Deductions / Payment Plan
Annual gifts can be paid over 12 months, quarterly, or semi-annually by scheduling automatic payments through a credit card or checking account. This allows you to spread your donation over a period of time rather than pay in one lump sum. Payment plans can be set up online or by calling the Cowboy Joe Club. Please note that all pre-authorized payment plans must be completed by December 31.
Payroll Deductions
University of Wyoming employees may be eligible for a monthly payroll deduction. Payroll deduction is similar to automatic deductions, and your pledge must be completed in full by December 31st.
The Steer-A-Year program is a way for our Ag community to get involved in Wyoming Athletics. By donating calves or cash, you can support UW in-state student-athletes, the UW Rodeo team, and UW Animal Science Judging teams. For more information, contact the Cowboy Joe Club.
Gifts of Securities, Real Estate, Bonds or Trusts
A gift of an appreciated security, real estate, bonds, or trusts can be beneficial to you and the Cowboy Joe Club because such gifts are encouraged by favorable IRS regulations. Gifts of these kinds must be approved by the Executive Director and the UW Foundation. Please call the Cowboy Joe Club for more detailed information.
Gift in Kind Contributions
At the discretion of the Executive Director, the Cowboy Joe Club can accept certain gifts and services.
Endowment & Capital Giving
Other than contributing to the Cowboy Joe Club annual scholarship fund, gifts may also be made to the endowment and for capital (facility) enhancements:
- Endowment
- The Cowboy Joe Club is proud of the Athletic Endowment Program. Gifts to the athletic endowments are invested and a portion of the return is used to fund scholarships each year. This enables our endowments to grow and reduce the dependence upon the annual drive each year. A new scholarship or endowment can be created with a minimum gift of $25,000, which may be funded over a number of years. Contributions can be made to the Cowboy Joe Club unrestricted endowment fund or to existing endowment funds.
- Capital Gifts / Endowed Excellence Funds
- Capital gifts that provide funds for new and improved athletic facilities are vital components to the success of Wyoming student-athletes. Naming opportunities are available through contributions earmarked for facility enhancements.